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Chinese - Conjunctions

Chinese - Conjunctions + Sentence Structures

Chinese - Modal Verbs

Chinese - Negation

Chinese - North

Chinese - Past

Chinese - Sentence Structures

Chinese - Word Classes

Chinese - Pronouns


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German - Abbreviation

German - Accusative

German - Active and Passive

German - Active and Passive with Modal Verbs

German - Adjective - Overview

German - Adjective Endings

German - Adjective - Grading Adjectives - Positive, Comparative, Superlative

German - Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns: alle / alles - all / everything

German - Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns: mehr - more, mehrere - several

German - Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns: das meiste / die meisten - most

German - Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns: meistens / wenigstens / höchstens / mindestens

German - Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns: nicht - not, no - nothing / anything

German - Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns: viel / viele, ... - much, many, a lot of

German - Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns: wenig, wenige - few, little

German - Adjectives - Adjective Suffixes Exercise

German - Adjective with Infinitive

German - Adjective with Preposition

German - Adverbials

German - Adverbials - Temporal Adverbials - Past, Future

German - Affix

German - Alphabet

German - Article - Table of Articles

German - Article - Table of Articles (indefinite article)

German - Articles - Nominative / Accusative (German) - pdf

German - Auxiliary Verbs

German - Cases

German - Causal Phrase

German - Clauses - Subject, Object

German - Concessive Phrase

German - Concessive Conjunctions,

German - Conditional Phrase

German - Conditional Phrase with and without "wenn"

German - Conditional Sentences for Beginners

German - Conditional Sentences - Types 1, 2 and 3

German - Conditional Sentences - wenn ... (German) - pdf

German - Conditional - wenn ich - if I ...

German - Conditional - wenn ich - if I ... - Examples

German - Conjunctions - Overview

German - Conjunctions - bis - until, till

German - Conjunctions - denn, weil, da, deshalb, deswegen, daher, darum, aus diesem Grund

German - Conjunctions - je ... desto, weder ... noch - the ... the, neither ... noch, ...

German - Conjunctions - obwohl, trotzdem, dennoch, trotz - despite

German - Conjunctions - nachdem, bevor - after, before

German - Conjunctions - nachdem, bevor - after, before - examples

German - Conjunctions - seit, seitdem - since

German - Conjunctions - solange - as long as

German - Conjunctions - sooft - as often as

German - Conjunctions - trotzdem, trotz, dennoch, obwohl - despite, although - examples

German - Conjunctions - während - during, while

German - Conjunctions - wenn, wann, als, ob - when, if

German - Conjunctions - wenn, als - examples

German - Conjunctions - German, English, French

German - Conjunctions - position: main clause, 0-position, end position, inversion

German - Conjunctions - position, 0-position, end position, inversion, meaning, temporal, local, ...

German - Conjunctions - Prepositions and Conjunctions - Transformation

German - Conjunctions - 0-Position

German - Conjunctions - 0-Position, End Position, Inversion, 2 part Conjunctions

German - Conjunctions - 2-Part Conjunctions

German - Conjunctions - 2-Part Conjunctions with Examples

German - Conjunctions - trotzdem, trotz, dennoch, obwohl, Conjunction, Preposition - despite, although, though

German - Conjunctions - wenn, als, weil, deshalb, damit, trotzdem, obwohl (German) - pdf

German - Conjunctive

German - Conjunctive - Forms

German - Conjunctive - Deixis Conjunctive 1

German - Conjunctive Endings

German - Conjunctive Endings - to search,

German - Conjunctive - Mode: Conjunctive

German - Conjunctive 1 - Irregular Verbs

German - Conjunctive 1 - Irregular Verbs: sei - to be

German - Conjunctive 1 Past - Reported Speech

German - Conjunctive 2 - Examples and Exercises

German - Conjunctive 2 - Frequent Irregular Verbs

German - Conjunctive 2 - Irregular Verbs

German - Conjunctive 2 - Irregular Verbs: a-b

German - Conjunctive 2 - Past

German - Conjunctive 2 - Regular Verbs

German - Conjunctive 2 - Substitution "würde"

German - Conjunctive 2 - Usage

German - Countries and Nationalities

German - Dative

German - Dative - Verbs with Dative

German - Dative (German) - pdf

German - Days of the Week

German - Difference between Preterit / Präteritum and Present Perfect / Perfekt

German - einerseits ... andererseits ... - on the one hand ... on the other hand ...

German - Essay Writing in German

German - Final Sentences - Finality

German - Forms of Address

German - Future I / Future Present

German - Future II / Future Past

German - Future I (in German)

German - Future II (in German)

German - Genitive

German - Genitive Prepositions

German - Genitive - Verbs with Genitive

German - Imperative

German - Imperfect / Preterit / Past Tense

German - Indicative

German - Infinitive - um ... zu - ohne ... zu

German - Infinitive - zu - to

German - Irregular Verbs (German)

German - Länder - German States

German - meinetwegen - because of me / if you like

German - Modal Particles

German - Modal Verbs

German - Modal Verbs - Endings

German - Mode: Conjunctive

German - Mode / Modus

German - 12 Months

German - N-Declination

German - Negation with "nicht"

German - Nominal Endings

German - Nominalisation of the Participle

German - Nominative

German - Nominative - Verbs with Nominative

German - Noun - Endings (male / female / neuter)

German - Noun / Plural / Endings

German - Non-Separable Verbs

German - Noun Verb Combinations

German - Noun Verb Combinations - Examples - Verbs

German - Noun Verb Combinations - Infinitive,

German - Numbers

German - Object

German - Object Pronouns

German - Participle - Present Participle, Past Participle

German - Participles - Examples, Exercises

German - Past Perfect

German - Past Tense

German - Perfect

German - Personal Pronouns

German - Plural Ending

German - Plural Endings - Part 2

German - Possessive Article

German - Possessive Article - Overview

German - Possessive Article: mein - my

German - Possessive Article: dein - your

German - Possessive Article: sein - his

German - Possessive Article: unser - our

German - Possessive Article: euer - your

German - Possessive Article: ihr - your

German - Possessive Article: Ihr - your (formal)

German - Predicate

German - Prefix, Preposition, Adverb

German - Prefix

German - Preposition + Article: am, im, bei, zum, vom, ins, ans, zur

German - Prepositions and Conjunctions - Transformation

German - Preposition + Case - Accusative, Dative, Genitive

German - Prepositions / Accusative

German - Prepositions / Dative

German - Prepositions / Genitive

German - Prepositions - am - im - um

German - Preposition - an - at, on

German - Preposition - an / am - at, on

German - Preposition - auf - on, on top

German - Preposition - aus - from

German - Preposition - bei - at

German - Preposition - durch - through, by

German - Preposition - gegen - against

German - Preposition - hinter - behind

German - Preposition - in - in

German - Preposition - mit - with

German - Preposition - neben - next to, beside

German - Preposition - über - over

German - Preposition - unter - under

German - Preposition - von - from, of

German - Preposition - vor - in front of, ago

German - Preposition - zu - to

German - Preposition - zwischen - between

German - Prepositions - German Prepositions - List

German - Prepositions and Conjunctions - Examples

German - Prepositions - How to transform Prepositions and Conjunctions?

German - Prepositions - local (German)

German - Prepositions - temporal (German)

German - Prepositions - Temporal Prepositions - Examples

German - Present Tense

German - Present Perfect - Past - Difference between Preterit / Präteritum and Present Perfect / Perfekt

German - Preterit / Past Tense

German - Pronouns (German)

German - Pronoun - es

German - Pronoun - Interrogative Pronouns

German - Pronoun - man

German - Pronouns: man, einen, einem

German - Pronoun - one of the ... / einer der ...

German - Pronoun - Personal Pronoun

German - Pronoun - Reflexive Pronouns

German - Pronoun - Reflexive Verbs - List

German - Pronoun - Reflexive Verbs - Tenses

German - Pronoun - Relative Pronouns

German - Proverbs + Expressions

German - Questions and Declarative Sentences

German - Question Sentences and Declarative Sentences

German - Question Words - who, what, why, how

German - Question Words - wie, wo, wer, was, warum - Examples

German - Question Words - worauf, womit, wozu

German - Reflexive Verbs

German - Relative Pronouns

German - Reported Question

German - Reported Question / Conjunctive 1

German - Reported Speech

German - Sentence Order - Conjunction: Position, 0-Position, End Position, Inversion

German - Sentence Structure Nominal Verbal

German - Small Words

German - Small Words - Pronouns, Prepositions, Adverbs

German - Subject - who? or what?

German - Suffix

German - Suffix - Adjective Suffixes Exercise

German - Swear words / four-letter words / dirty word

German - Temporal Clause

German - Tenses - Overview

German - Tenses (short)

German - Verb Ending

German - Verbs

German - Verbs - Active and Passive

German - Verbs - haben (to have) / sein (to be)

German - Verb - suchen - to look for; to search

German - Verbs - sein - to be

German - Verbs - Auxiliary Verbs

German - Verbs - Modal verbs: dürfen (have the permission), können (can), möchten (would like to), mögen (like), müssen (must / have to), sollen (should), wollen (want to)

German - Verbs - Regular Verbs - Endings

German - Verbs - Reflexive Pronouns

German - Verbs - Reflexive Verbs - List

German - Verbs - Reflexive Verbs - Tenses

German - Verbs + Preposition

German - Verbs + Preposition (Dative)

German - Verbs + Preposition (Accusative)

German - Verbs - Separable Verbs - List

German - Verbs - sitzen / setzen (sit / put)

German - Verbs - Stem Changing Verbs

German - Verbs - Verb Position in Subordinate Clauses

German - Verbs - werden (become / be)

German - Verbs with Accusative and Dative

German - Dative - Verbs with Dative

German - Verbs with Genitive

German - Verbs - List of Verbs with Accusative and Dative

German - Verbs - List of Verbs with Accusative and Dative

German - Seperable Verbs

German - Irregular Verbs

German - Irregular Verbs: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s-sch se-st t u v w x y z

German - Irregular Verbs: List: a - b

German - Irregular Verbs: List: c - f

German - Irregular Verbs: List: k - m

German - Irregular Verbs: List: n - r

German - Irregular Verbs: List: s - sch

German - Irregular Verbs: List: se - st

German - Irregular Verbs: List: t - v

German - Irregular Verbs: List: w - z

German - Irregular Verbs / Exercises

German - Verb Valency - A1 - Nominative, Accusative, Dative, Genitive



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German: Exercises

German - Possessivpronomen (Aufgaben)

German - Pronomen 1 (Aufgaben)

German - Pronomen 2 (Aufgaben)

German - Irregelular Verbs / Exercises


More information on info@longua.org



German B2:

German - B2

German - Tipps

German - B2 Aufgaben (1)

German - B2 Aufgaben (2)

German - B2 Aufgaben (3)

German - B2 Aufgaben (4)

German - B2 Aufgaben (5)

German - B2 Aufgaben (6)

German - B2 Aufgaben (7)

German - B2 Aufgaben (8)

German - B2 Aufgaben (9)

German - B2 Aufgaben (10)

German - B2 Aufgaben (11)

German - B2 Aufgaben (12)


More information on info@longua.org


German B2 Grammar:

German - B2 - bitten, bieten, beten, betten

German - B2 - bitten, danken

German - B2 - danken

German - B2 - denken

German - B2 - (sich) freuen auf / über

German - B2 - (sich) interessieren

German - B2 - wenn

German - B2 - wenn / konditional

German - B2 - werden

German - B2 - worauf / darauf (1)

German - B2 - worauf / darauf (2)


More information on info@longua.org


German: DSH

German - DSH Active - Passive

German - DSH Active - Passive I

German - DSH Active - Passive II

German - DSH final

German - DSH causal

German - DSH conditional

German - DSH Modal Verbs: können, müssen (can, must)

German - DSH Modal Verbs: können (can)

German - DSH Modal Verbs: müssen (must)

German - DSH nominal - verbal

German - DSH Participal

German - DSH Participal I

German - DSH Participal II

German - DSH Prepositions - Conjunction


More information on info@longua.org


German: TestDaF

TestDaF - Listening - Hören - Exercise 1

TestDaF - Listening - Hören - Exercise 2

TestDaF - Listening - Hören - Exercise 3

TestDaF - Reading - Lesen - Exercise 1

TestDaF - Reading - Lesen - Exercise 2

TestDaF - Reading - Lesen - Exercise 3

TestDaF - Writing - Schreiben - Exercise

TestDaF - Oral - Mündlich - Exercise 1

TestDaF - Oral - Mündlich - Exercise 2

TestDaF - Oral - Mündlich - Exercise 3

TestDaF - Oral - Mündlich - Exercise 4

TestDaF - Oral - Mündlich - Exercise 5

TestDaF - Oral - Mündlich - Exercise 6

TestDaF - Oral - Mündlich - Exercise 7


More information on info@longua.org



English - Past Tense I

English - Past Tense II

English - Future

English - Conditional I

Englisch - Conditional Sentences - if ...


Englisch - Personal Pronoun


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French - Adjective

French - Adjective - Graduation

French - Adjective - Graduation Conjunctions

French - Adjective - Special Form

French - Adjective with Preposition

French - Adverb

French - Adverb - Graduation

French - Adverb - Frequent Adverbs

French - Article - Definite Article - le, la, l', les - the

French - Article - Indefinite Article - un, une - a, an

French - Article - Partitive

French - Article + Preposition - du, des, au, aux

French - L'Article - pdf

French - Conditional Phrases - if / si

French - Conditionnel Passé - j'irais fait

French - Conditionnel Présent - j'irais

French - Conjunctions - Graduation Conjunctions

French - Discours Indirect / Reported Speech - il dit que ...

French - Future in the Past / Futur Antérieur / Futur II - il aura mangé

French - Le Futur Antérieur - pdf

French - Futur Composé / Futur Proche - je vais aller

French - Le Futur Composé - pdf

French - Future Present / Avenir / Future I - j'irai

French - Le Futur Simple - pdf

French - Gérondif / Gerund

French - Imparfait / Past Tense

French - L'Imparfait - pdf

French - Impératif / Imperative - va!

French - il y a - c'est - ... - pdf

French - Negation - ne ... pas, ne ... rien, ne ... aucun, ne ... jamais

French - La Négation - pdf

French - Noun with Preposition

French - Participe Passé / Past Participle

French - Participe Présent / Present Participle

French - Passé Composé - j'ai fait

French - Passé Composé and Imparfait

French - Le Passé Composé - pdf

French - Le Passé Composé / L'Imparfait - pdf

French - Passé Simple - il parla

French - Passive Voice / Voix Passive - il est mangé

French - Plus-que-parfait - j'avais fait

French - La Phrase Conditionnelle - si ... - pdf

French - Les Pronoms - pdf

French - Le Pronom Possessif - pdf

French - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - ce, cet, cette, ces

French - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - celui

French - Pronouns - en, y

French - Pronouns - il, ce, ça

French - Pronoun - Object Pronoun - me, te, le, lui, ...

French - Pronoun - Personal Pronouns - stressed

French - Pronoun - Personal Pronouns - unstressed

French - Pronoun - Possessive Article

French - Pronoun - Possessive Pronoun

French - Pronounciation

French - Questions

French - Question Words

French - Les Questions - pdf

French - Reported Speech / Discours Indirect - il dit que ...

French - Subjonctif Passé / Past Subjunctive - qu'il soit allé

French - Subjonctif Présent / Present Subjunctive - que je fasse

French - Le Verbe Modal - pdf

French - Presentation - La Guerre d'Algérie

French - Verb with Preposition

French - Phrases with si - pdf

French - Verb: acheter - to buy

French - Verb: aller - to go

French - Verb: avoir - to have

French - Verb: boire - to drink

French - Verb: conduire - to drive

French - Verb: connaître - to know

French - Verb: courir - to run

French - Verb: craindre - to fear

French - Verb: croire - to believe

French - Verb: devoir - must / to have

French - Verb: dire - to say

French - Verb: dormire - to sleep

French - Verb: écrire - to write

French - Verb: être - to be

French - Verb: faire - to make

French - Verb: haïr - to hate

French - Verb: lever - to lift / se lever - to get up

French - Verb: lire - to read

French - Verb: mettre - to put

French - Verb: offrir - to offer

French - Verb: plaire - to please

French - Verb: pleuvoir - to rain

French - Verb: pouvoir - can

French - Verb: prendre - to take

French - Verb: recevoir - to receive, to get

French - Verb: rire - to laugh

French - Verb: savoir - to know

French - Verb: suivre - to follow

French - Verb: tenir - to hold

French - Verb: vouloir - to want to

French - Verb: venir - to come

French - Verb: vivre - to live

French - Verb: voir - to see


More information on info@longua.org



Latin - Ablative

Latin - Accusative

Latin - AcI - Accusativus cum Infinitivus - Accusative with Infinitive

Latin - Adjective - Consonantic Declination / vetus

Latin - Adjective - i Declination / 2 endings - felix

Latin - Adjective - i Declination / 2 endings - fortis

Latin - Adjective - i Declination / 2 endings - ingens

Latin - Adjective - i Declination / 3 endings - acer

Latin - Adjective - o and a Declination / -er - asper

Latin - Adjective - o and a Declination / -er - pulcher

Latin - Adjective - o and a Declination / -us - bonus

Latin - Adjective - Grading

Latin - Adjective - Grading - Special Forms

Latin - Adverbial Pairs

Latin - Adverbial Sentence Conjunction

Latin - Basics of Grammar

Latin - Cardinalia

Latin - Case / Casus

Latin - Case - Ablative

Latin - Case - Accusative

Latin - Case - Genitive

Latin - Conjunctions

Latin - a Declination / -a - amica

Latin - Consonatic Declination / -is - civis

Latin - Consonatic Declination / -or - victor

Latin - Consonatic Declination / -us - virtus

Latin - Consonatic Declination / -us, -eris - foedus

Latin - Consonatic Declination / -x - lex

Latin - e Declination / -es - dies

Latin - e Declination / -es - res

Latin - i Declination / -e - mare

Latin - i Declination / -s - turris

Latin - i Declination / -s - vis

Latin - Mixed Declination / -s - urbs

Latin - Mixed Declination / -x - nox

Latin - o Declination / -us - amicus

Latin - o Declination / -er - ager

Latin - o Declination / puer

Latin - o Declination / deus

Latin - o Declination / -um - templum

Latin - u Declination / -u - cornu

Latin - u Declination / -us - exercitus

Latin - u Declination / -us - domus

Latin - u Declination / -us - manus

Latin - Gerundium / Gerund

Latin - Gerundivum

Latin - Numbers - Cardinalia

Latin - Numbers - Ordinalia

Latin - Ordinalia

Latin - Participle Constructions - Latin, German, English

Latin - Participium Praesens Activum / Participle Present Active / PPA

Latin - Prepositions with Case

Latin - Pronoun - Correlative Pronoun - quantus, tantus, qualis, talis, quot, tot

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - hic, haec, hoc

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - idem, eadem, idem

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - ille, illa, illud

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - ipse, ipsa, ipsum

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - is, ea, id

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - iste, ista, istud

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - aliqui, aliqua, aliquod

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - aliquis, aliquis, aliquid

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - nemo

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - nihil

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - nullus, nulla, nullum

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - qui, quae, quod

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - quicumque, quaecumque, quodcumque

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - quidam, quaedam, quoddam

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - quilibet, quaelibet, quodlibet

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - quipiam, quaepiam, quodpiam

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - quispiam, quispiam, quidpiam

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - quisque, quisque, quidque

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - quisque, quisque, quidque - Adjective

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - quivis, quaevis, quodvis

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - ullus, ulla, ullum

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - unus quisque, unus quisque, unus quidque

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - unus quisque, unus quisque, unus quidque - Adjective

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - utercumque, utracumque, utrumcumque

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - uterlibet, utralibet, utrumlibet

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - uterque, utraque, utrumque

Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - utervis, utravis, utrumvis

Latin - Pronoun - Interrogative Pronoun - qui, quae, quod

Latin - Pronoun - Interrogative Pronoun - quid

Latin - Pronoun - Interrogative Pronoun - quis

Latin - Pronoun - Interrogative Pronoun - uter, utra, utrum

Latin - Pronoun - Personal Pronoun

Latin - Pronoun - Personal Pronoun - ego, tu, nos, vos

Latin - Pronoun - Possessive Pronoun

Latin - Pronoun - Possessive Pronoun - meus, mea, meum

Latin - Pronoun - Possessive Pronoun - tuus, tua, tuum

Latin - Pronoun - Possessive Pronoun - suus, sua, suum

Latin - Pronoun - Possessive Pronoun - noster, nostra, nostrum

Latin - Pronoun - Possessive Pronoun - vester, vestra, vestrum

Latin - Pronoun - Relative Pronoun - qui, quae, quod

Latin - Sentence Structure

Latin - Types of Cases

Latin - Verb - Present Stem - a - e - i - Consonantic Conjugation

Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Present Active

Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Conjunctive Present Active

Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Imperfect Active

Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Conjunctive Imperfect Active

Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Future Active

Latin - Verb - Perfect Stem - a - e - i - Consonantic Conjugation

Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Perfect Active

Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Conjunctive Perfect Active

Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Plusquamperfect Active

Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Conjunctive Plusquamperfect Active

Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Future II Active

Latin - Verb - Passive Present Stem - a - e - i - Consonantic Conjugation

Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Present Passive

Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Conjunctive Present Passive

Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Imperfect Passive

Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Conjunctive Imperfect Passive

Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Future Passive

Latin - Verb - Passive Perfect Stem - a - e - i - Consonantic Conjugation

Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Perfect Passive

Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Conjunctive Perfect Passive

Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Plusquamperfect Passive

Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Conjunctive Plusquamperfect Passive

Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Future II Passive

Latin - Verb - Types of Perfect Formation

Latin - Verb - Verbs with different Perfect Stems

Latin - Verb - Overview

Latin - Verb - -are - amare

Latin - Verb - -ere - monere

Latin - Verb - -ire - audire

Latin - Verb - Consonantic Conjugation -ĕre - mittere - to send

Latin - Verb - dare

Latin - Verb - dicere

Latin - Verb - esse

Latin - Verb - facere

Latin - Verb - ferre

Latin - Verb - fieri

Latin - Verb - hortari

Latin - Verb - iacere

Latin - Verb - ire

Latin - Verb - loqui

Latin - Verb - malle

Latin - Verb - nolle

Latin - Verb - posse

Latin - Verb - uti

Latin - Verb - velle

Latin - Case - where? / where to?


More information on info@longua.org



Portuguese - Grammar - Overview


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Italian - Grammar - Overview

Italian - Adjective

Italian - Adjective; Comparation; Positive, Comparative, Superlative

Italian - Article - definite

Italian - Article - definite + Preposition

Italian - Article - indefinite

Italian - Noun / Substantive

Italian - Personal Pronoun

Italian - Verbs -are; Present


More information on info@longua.org


Aramaic / Assyrian:

Aramaic / Assyrian - Alphabet / Writing

Aramaic / Assyrian - Negation - not to make - Present - ܐܢܐ ܠ ܘܕܢ - ana le oden - I don't make

Aramaic / Assyrian - Pronouns - Demonstrative Pronouns - ܐܘܐ, ܐܥܐ, ܐܢ - aua, aya, aneh - this

Aramaic / Assyrian - Pronouns - Personal Pronouns - ܐܢܐ - ana - I

Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Pronomen - Possessivpronomen - ܙܥ - di - mein

Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - bauen - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܒܢܢ - ana banen - ich baue

Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - essen - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܐܚܠܢ - ana achlen - ich esse

Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - geben - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܥܘܢ - ana yauen - ich gebe

Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - haben - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܐܬܠܥ - ana etli - ich habe

Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - kaufen - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܙܘܢ - ana zonen - ich kaufe

Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - kommen - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܐܬܢ - ana aten - ich komme

Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - können - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܡܨܢ - ana masen - ich kann

Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - lieben - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܒܥܢ - ana bayen - ich liebe

Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - machen - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܘܕܢ - ana oden - ich mache

Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - müssen - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܓܪܟ - ana garek - ich muss

Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - nehmen - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܫܩܠܢ - ana schaklen - ich nehme

Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - sehen - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܚܙܢ - ana chazen - ich sehe

Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - sein - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܐܥܘܢ - ana iuen - ich bin

Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - trinken - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܫܬܢ- ana schaten - ich trinke

Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - wollen - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܒܥܢ - ana bayen - ich will

Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - essen - Vergangenheit - ܐܢܐ ܚܠܘܐܠܥ - ana cheluali - ich aß

Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - gehen - Vergangenheit - ܐܢܐ ܙܠܥ - ana zli - ich ging

Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - machen - Vergangenheit - ܐܢܐ ܘܕܠܥ - ana uedli - ich machte

Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Zahlen - 1 - 10 - ܚܐ, ܬܪ, ܛܠܐ - cha, tre, tla - eins, zwei, drei

Deutsch-Aramäisches Wörterbuch: Deutsch-Aramäisches Wörterbuch / Online Übersetzung


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Kurdish - Kurdish Language

Kurdish - Adverbs

Kurdish - Adjective Endings

Kurdish - Adjective - Ew kurdim.

Kurdish - Adverb - always

Kurdish - Alphabet

Kurdish - Article - Indefinite Article - -ek, -yek

Kurdish - Article - Indefinite Article + Noun, Adjective

Kurdish - Article - yek ji ... -a me (ku) - one of those ... who

Kurdish - Conjunction - if

Kurdish - Conjunction - ji

Kurdish - Diminutive

Kurdish - Ergative

Kurdish - Formation of the Tenses

Kurdish - Future

Kurdish - Future - çûn / çûyin Kurdish - Imperative

Kurdish - Imperative - çûn / çûyin

Kurdish - Infinitive Ending

Kurdish - Negation

Kurdish - Negation of Adjective

Kurdish - Negation of Modal Verbs

Kurdish - Numbers

Kurdish - Plural - -in, hin

Kurdish - Preposition

Kurdish - Preposition - li hindir

Kurdish - Present Ending

Kurdish - Present Tense Conjunctive - çûn / çûyin

Kurdish - Present Tense Indicative - çûn / çûyin

Kurdish - Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns

Kurdish - Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns - how much - Çend

Kurdish - Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns - how?

Kurdish - Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns - where - ku?

Kurdish - Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns - which - kîjan?

Kurdish - Pronnouns - Interrogative Pronouns - kîjan - which

Kurdish - Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns - who - ki?

Kurdish - Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns - who - kî / kê?

Kurdish - Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns - what - Çi?

Kurdish - Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns - why?

Kurdish - Pronouns - Relative Pronouns

Kurdish - Question Words - kîjan - which

Kurdish - Sentence Building

Kurdish - Useful Sentences - Relations

Kurdish - Verb - Infinitive Ending

Kurdish - Verb - Modalverb

Kurdish - Verb - Present Ending

Kurdish - Verb - Transitive and Intransitive Verb

Kurdish - Verb - Transitive and Intransitive Verbs - List

Kurdish - Verb - Varieties of the Infinitive

Kurdish - Verb - anîn - to bring

Kurdish - Verb - cûn - to come

Kurdish - Verb - dîtin - to see

Kurdish - Verb - hatim - to come

Kurdish - Verb - hebûn - to have

Kurdish - Verb - hêvîdarin - to hope

Kurdish - Verb - heye - there is / are

Kurdish - Verb - kirin - to make

Kurdish - Verb - vexwarin - to drink

Kurdish - Verb - şustin / şiştin / şuştin - to wash

Kurdish - Verb - xwarin - to eat

Kurdish - Verb - xwastin - to want

Kurdish - Verb - xwîrin - to read

Kurdish - Verb - Past - tem, hatim - to come

Kurdish - Verb - Present - Past - hebûn - to have

Kurdish - Verb - Simple Verbs

Kurdish - Vocabulary

Kurdish - Wishes and Congratulations


More information on info@longua.org



Schengen Visa Application - Overview

Schengen States

Schengen States - EFTA and others

Who needs a Schengen Visa?

Types of Schengen Visas

Schengen Visa - Application Guidelines

List of Countries whose citizens need a visa to enter the Schengen Area

List of Countries whose citizens don't need a visa to enter the Schengen Area

List of Countries whose citizens need an Airport Transit Visa

Schengen Visa Travel Insurance

Schengen Business Visa

Schengen Employment Visa

Schengen Student Visa

Schengen Transit Visa

Schengen Tourist Visa

Schengen Working Visa





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