The participle is a form of the verb which is used to form tenses. Participle are also used as adjectives, in this case participles have the same endings as regular adjectives, they can be in combination with copula verbs or in front of nouns.
Participle can be found with two different forms, the
- Present Participle / Partizip I
and the
- Past Participle / Partizip II
Verb stem + (e)nd (+ ending)
geh + end + (en) - go - ing
See Adjective Endings.
German | English |
Der essende Mann sitzt im Restaurant. |
The eating man is sitting in the restaurant. |
Der eine heiße Suppe essende Mann sitzt im Restaurant. (weitere Modifikation) |
The man eating a hot soup is sitting in the restaurant. (further modification) |
ge- Perfect stem + t (regular verbs) / en (irregular verbs) (+ ending)
ge + gang + en (+en) - gone
Siehe Adjektivdeklination.
Present Perfect / Perfect:
Er hat gegessen. - He has eaten.
Past Perfect / Plusquamperfekt:
Er hatte gegessen. - He had eaten.
Futur Past / Futur II:
Er wird gegessen haben. - He will have eaten.
Past Conjunctive II / Konjunktiv II Vergangenheit:
Er hätte gegessen. - He would have eaten.
Past Conjunctive I / Konjunktiv I Vergangenheit:
Er habe gegessen. - He has eaten. (only used for the reported speech.)
Passive / Passiv:
Die Suppe wird / wurde ... gegessen. - The soup is / was ... eaten.
as an adjective / "Adjektiv":
Die gegessene Suppe war lecker. - The soup was tasty.
Die heiß gegessene Suppe war lecker. (weitere Modifikation)- The soup that was eaten hot. (further modification)
more information
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