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Germany is situated in Central Europe, Germany is the most populous state of Europe. It is one of the major political powers of the European continent and a technological leader in many fields. With its 83 million inhabitants it is the biggest European economy.
For tourists there is a lot to do: Histoy, Cities, Mountains and the Sea






Germany has seen a long and very interesting history; it has always been a country that has great regional differences.

In the early antiquity Germanic tribes settled in the North, Slavs in the East and Celts in the South. During the Migration Period, the Germanic tribes expanded southward and established successor kingdoms throughout much of Europe. Beginning in the 10th century, German territories formed a central part of the Holy Roman Empire. The Germanic tribes started to consider themselves as a nation. There were several emigration waves to the east in the period. Later, during the 13th and 16th century Switzerland and the Netherlands left and became independent states.

After 1871, the first modern German states was founded. Further important station in German history are: World War I, the Weimar Republic, the Great Depression, the Third Reich, World War II, the Division into two states after 1945 and the Reunification in 1990.

Germany is member of the EU (European Union, Shengen Area, Euro, UNO, NATO, G8, G20, ...

The mordern Germany is an important country of the world's economy.


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German Bundesländer / States:

Germany and its regions / states / Bundesländer:

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German Cities:

The most important German cities are:

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German - Language:


German is the official language in Liechtenstein, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and Luxembourg. German is an official regional language in Italy (South Tyrol), as well in many communities around the world, e.g. in Hungary, Romania, Russia, Kasakhistan, Denmark, Poland and Namibia.

German is one of the 23 official languages of the European Union and one of the three working languages. It is the language with the largest number of native speakers in Europe - about 100 million speakers.

German has a vast number of dialects which are still widely used. In the last century - due to migration espacially after WWII - High German has become more and more successful.

German is an Indo-European language. It belongs to the German family and has a lot in common with languages such as English, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, ...

Due to the economical success of the German speaking countries, today there is a large number of German learners and German speakers around the world.


more information: info@longua.org

Teaching Material

Some of the best teaching materials:


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There are job offers on the following websites:



Choose from one of our destinations:








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Where to stay?


All international chain hotels can be found in Germany, but there is also a large number of local hotels and pensions - just ask at the tourist information.


more information: info@longua.org



How to come?

EU and EFTA citizens do not need any visa. (as well as: US-Americans, Canadians, Austalians, New Zealanders, Japaneses, Coreans, ...)


more information: info@longua.org



There are airports in Frankfurt, München, Berlin, Hamburg, Köln/Bonn, Düsseldorf, Leipzig, Nürnberg, Memmingen, ...

Deutsche Bahn (DB) and other train companies supply all German cities with train services. Be careful - trains are not always on time!

There are many smaller places where it is very useful to have a car, especially some tourist attractions are quite difficult to reach without a car.


more information: info@longua.org





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