The nouns (Substantive, Nomen) can appear in different cases (Kasus / Fällen). The dative shows the relation of two persons or things (see: indirect object / zu, nach) or goes with certain prpositions.
male |
female |
neutral |
plural |
Nominative |
der |
die |
das |
die |
Accusative |
den |
die |
das |
die |
Dative |
dem |
der |
dem |
den ...n |
Genitive |
des ...s |
der |
des ...s |
der |
male |
female |
neutral |
plural |
Nominativ |
ein |
eine |
ein |
- |
Akkusativ |
einen |
eine |
ein |
- |
Dativ |
einem |
einer |
einem |
- ...n |
Genitiv |
eines ...s |
einer |
eines ...s |
- |
Some verbs need a dative complement:
passen (to fit), stehen (to suit), helfen (to help), gratulieren (to congratulate), es geht (~how are you?), gefallen (to please), gehören (to belong), anbieten (to offer), schmecken (to taste), fehlen (to miss), antworten (to answer), danken (to thank), gelingen (to succeed), nutzen (to be useful), schaden (to harm)
Die Frau (Nominativ) antwortet dem Mann (Dativ).
The woman (nominative / subject) answer the man (dative object).
Other verbs need an accusative and a dative:
geben (to give): schicken (to send), senden (to send), übergeben (to hand over), bringen (to bring), schenken (to make a gift), leihen (to borrow, lend)
sagen (to say): mitteilen (to inform), erklären (to explain), erzählen (to tell), nennen (to name)
zeigen (to show)
Der Mann (Nominativ) gibt dem Freund (Dativ) den Schlüssel (Akkusativ).
The man (nominative / subject) give the key (accusative object / direct complement) to the man (dative object / indirect complement).
Also read:
more information:
LONGUA.ORG:, in Italien, in Deutschland, in China, B1-Test (Schweiz), B2-Test (Schweiz), Allemand à, Soggiorni in, Apprendre Allemand, 木木杨的博客 - China