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German - trotzdem, trotz, dennoch, obwohl, Conjunction, Preposition - despite, although, though - Grammar - longua.org


trotzdem, trotz, dennoch, obwohl - despite, although, though


The conjunctions trotzdem, dennoch - despite and obwohl - although, though as well as the preposition despite of emphasize the opposite.


Preposition + Nominal Phrase:



Trotz des schönen Wetters bleibe ich drinnen.

Despite of the nice weather I will stay inside.


Conjunction + Verb:

Obwohl das Wetter schön ist, bleibe ich drinnen.



Das Wetter ist schön, trotzdem bleibe ich drinnen.
Das Wetter ist schön, dennoch bleibe ich drinnen.

The weather is nice, depite of that I will stay inside.



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