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German - Conjunctions - Overview - Grammar - longua.org


Conjunctions - Overview


German - Conjunctions - bis - until, till

German - Conjunctions - denn, weil, da, deshalb, deswegen, daher, darum, aus diesem Grund

German - Conjunctions - je ... desto, weder ... noch - the ... the, neither ... noch, ...

German - Conjunctions - obwohl, trotzdem, dennoch, trotz - despite

German - Conjunctions - nachdem, bevor - after, before

German - Conjunctions - nachdem, bevor - after, before - examples

German - Conjunctions - seit, seitdem - since

German - Conjunctions - solange - as long as

German - Conjunctions - sooft - as often as

German - Conjunctions - trotzdem, trotz, dennoch, obwohl - despite, although - examples

German - Conjunctions - während - during, while

German - Conjunctions - wenn, wann, als, ob - when, if

German - Conjunctions - wenn, als - examples

German - Conjunctions - German, English, French

German - Conjunctions - position: main clause, 0-position, end position, inversion

German - Conjunctions - position, 0-position, end position, inversion, meaning, temporal, local, ...

German - Conjunctions - Prepositions and Conjunctions - Transformation

German - Conjunctions - 0-Position

German - Conjunctions - 0-Position, End Position, Inversion, 2 part Conjunctions

German - Conjunctions - 2-Part Conjunctions

German - Conjunctions - 2-Part Conjunctions with Examples

German - Conjunctions - trotzdem, trotz, dennoch, obwohl, Conjunction, Preposition - despite, although, though

German - Conjunctions - wenn, als, weil, deshalb, damit, trotzdem, obwohl (German) - pdf




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