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German - während - during, while - conjunction - preposition - Grammar - longua.org


während - during, while - conjunction and preposition


There are diffent possibilities to use "während" - during, while:


- während (conjunction)

- während (preposition + genitive)


"während" - during, while describes the situation when several actions proceed simultaneously. Those two actions happen at the same time. Both, the preposition "während" and the conjunction "während" can express this simulaneousness.


während / during, while - temporal conjunction:






Während sie telefoniert, sieht er fern.

during, while

While she is phoning, he is watching TV.


Während er am Bahnhof auf den Zug wartet, unterhält er sich mit einem anderen Reisenden.

during, while

While he is waiting for the train at the station, he is talking to other travellers.


während / during, while - temporal preposition + genitive:

"während" - during, while goes with the genitive, in the spoken language it is often followed by the dative.






Während des Essens sollte man nicht telefonieren.

during, while

While eating you shouldn’t phone.


Während der Mittagspause trifft sie eine Kollegin.

during, while

During her lunch break she meet with her colleagues.




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