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Chinese - Conjunctions + Sentence Structures
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German - Active and Passive with Modal Verbs
German - Adjective - Grading Adjectives - Positive, Comparative, Superlative
German - Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns: alle / alles - all / everything
German - Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns: mehr - more, mehrere - several
German - Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns: das meiste / die meisten - most
German - Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns: meistens / wenigstens / höchstens / mindestens
German - Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns: nicht - not, no - nothing / anything
German - Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns: viel / viele, ... - much, many, a lot of
German - Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns: wenig, wenige - few, little
German - Adjectives - Adjective Suffixes Exercise
German - Adjective with Infinitive
German - Adjective with Preposition
German - Adverbials - Temporal Adverbials - Past, Future
German - Article - Table of Articles
German - Article - Table of Articles (indefinite article)
German - Articles - Nominative / Accusative (German) - pdf
German - Clauses - Subject, Object
German - Concessive Conjunctions,
German - Conditional Phrase with and without "wenn"
German - Conditional Sentences for Beginners
German - Conditional Sentences - Types 1, 2 and 3
German - Conditional Sentences - wenn ... (German) - pdf
German - Conditional - wenn ich - if I ...
German - Conditional - wenn ich - if I ... - Examples
German - Conjunctions - Overview
German - Conjunctions - bis - until, till
German - Conjunctions - denn, weil, da, deshalb, deswegen, daher, darum, aus diesem Grund
German - Conjunctions - je ... desto, weder ... noch - the ... the, neither ... noch, ...
German - Conjunctions - obwohl, trotzdem, dennoch, trotz - despite
German - Conjunctions - nachdem, bevor - after, before
German - Conjunctions - nachdem, bevor - after, before - examples
German - Conjunctions - seit, seitdem - since
German - Conjunctions - solange - as long as
German - Conjunctions - sooft - as often as
German - Conjunctions - trotzdem, trotz, dennoch, obwohl - despite, although - examples
German - Conjunctions - während - during, while
German - Conjunctions - wenn, wann, als, ob - when, if
German - Conjunctions - wenn, als - examples
German - Conjunctions - German, English, French
German - Conjunctions - position: main clause, 0-position, end position, inversion
German - Conjunctions - position, 0-position, end position, inversion, meaning, temporal, local, ...
German - Conjunctions - Prepositions and Conjunctions - Transformation
German - Conjunctions - 0-Position
German - Conjunctions - 0-Position, End Position, Inversion, 2 part Conjunctions
German - Conjunctions - 2-Part Conjunctions
German - Conjunctions - 2-Part Conjunctions with Examples
German - Conjunctions - wenn, als, weil, deshalb, damit, trotzdem, obwohl (German) - pdf
German - Conjunctive - Deixis Conjunctive 1
German - Conjunctive Endings - to search,
German - Conjunctive - Mode: Conjunctive
German - Conjunctive 1 - Irregular Verbs
German - Conjunctive 1 - Irregular Verbs: sei - to be
German - Conjunctive 1 Past - Reported Speech
German - Conjunctive 2 - Examples and Exercises
German - Conjunctive 2 - Frequent Irregular Verbs
German - Conjunctive 2 - Irregular Verbs
German - Conjunctive 2 - Irregular Verbs: a-b
German - Conjunctive 2 - Regular Verbs
German - Conjunctive 2 - Substitution "würde"
German - Conjunctive 2 - Usage
German - Countries and Nationalities
German - Dative - Verbs with Dative
German - Dative (German) - pdf
German - Difference between Preterit / Präteritum and Present Perfect / Perfekt
German - einerseits ... andererseits ... - on the one hand ... on the other hand ...
German - Essay Writing in German
German - Final Sentences - Finality
German - Future I / Future Present
German - Future II / Future Past
German - Future II (in German)
German - Genitive Prepositions
German - Genitive - Verbs with Genitive
German - Imperfect / Preterit / Past Tense
German - Infinitive - um ... zu - ohne ... zu
German - Irregular Verbs (German)
German - Länder - German States
German - meinetwegen - because of me / if you like
German - Modal Verbs - Endings
German - Negation with "nicht"
German - Nominalisation of the Participle
German - Nominative - Verbs with Nominative
German - Noun - Endings (male / female / neuter)
German - Noun / Plural / Endings
German - Noun Verb Combinations
German - Noun Verb Combinations - Examples - Verbs
German - Noun Verb Combinations - Infinitive,
German - Participle - Present Participle, Past Participle
German - Participles - Examples, Exercises
German - Plural Endings - Part 2
German - Possessive Article - Overview
German - Possessive Article: mein - my
German - Possessive Article: dein - your
German - Possessive Article: sein - his
German - Possessive Article: unser - our
German - Possessive Article: euer - your
German - Possessive Article: ihr - your
German - Possessive Article: Ihr - your (formal)
German - Prefix, Preposition, Adverb
German - Preposition + Article: am, im, bei, zum, vom, ins, ans, zur
German - Prepositions and Conjunctions - Transformation
German - Preposition + Case - Accusative, Dative, Genitive
German - Prepositions / Accusative
German - Prepositions / Dative
German - Prepositions / Genitive
German - Prepositions - am - im - um
German - Preposition - an - at, on
German - Preposition - an / am - at, on
German - Preposition - auf - on, on top
German - Preposition - aus - from
German - Preposition - bei - at
German - Preposition - durch - through, by
German - Preposition - gegen - against
German - Preposition - hinter - behind
German - Preposition - in - in
German - Preposition - mit - with
German - Preposition - neben - next to, beside
German - Preposition - über - over
German - Preposition - unter - under
German - Preposition - von - from, of
German - Preposition - vor - in front of, ago
German - Preposition - zu - to
German - Preposition - zwischen - between
German - Prepositions - German Prepositions - List
German - Prepositions and Conjunctions - Examples
German - Prepositions - How to transform Prepositions and Conjunctions?
German - Prepositions - local (German)
German - Prepositions - temporal (German)
German - Prepositions - Temporal Prepositions - Examples
German - Preterit / Past Tense
German - Pronoun - Interrogative Pronouns
German - Pronouns: man, einen, einem
German - Pronoun - one of the ... / einer der ...
German - Pronoun - Personal Pronoun
German - Pronoun - Reflexive Pronouns
German - Pronoun - Reflexive Verbs - List
German - Pronoun - Reflexive Verbs - Tenses
German - Pronoun - Relative Pronouns
German - Proverbs + Expressions
German - Questions and Declarative Sentences
German - Question Sentences and Declarative Sentences
German - Question Words - who, what, why, how
German - Question Words - wie, wo, wer, was, warum - Examples
German - Question Words - worauf, womit, wozu
German - Reported Question / Conjunctive 1
German - Sentence Order - Conjunction: Position, 0-Position, End Position, Inversion
German - Sentence Structure Nominal Verbal
German - Small Words - Pronouns, Prepositions, Adverbs
German - Subject - who? or what?
German - Suffix - Adjective Suffixes Exercise
German - Swear words / four-letter words / dirty word
German - Verbs - Active and Passive
German - Verbs - haben (to have) / sein (to be)
German - Verb - suchen - to look for; to search
German - Verbs - Auxiliary Verbs
German - Verbs - Modal verbs: dürfen (have the permission), können (can), möchten (would like to), mögen (like), müssen (must / have to), sollen (should), wollen (want to)
German - Verbs - Regular Verbs - Endings
German - Verbs - Reflexive Pronouns
German - Verbs - Reflexive Verbs - List
German - Verbs - Reflexive Verbs - Tenses
German - Verbs + Preposition (Dative)
German - Verbs + Preposition (Accusative)
German - Verbs - Separable Verbs - List
German - Verbs - sitzen / setzen (sit / put)
German - Verbs - Stem Changing Verbs
German - Verbs - Verb Position in Subordinate Clauses
German - Verbs - werden (become / be)
German - Verbs with Accusative and Dative
German - Dative - Verbs with Dative
German - Verbs - List of Verbs with Accusative and Dative
German - Verbs - List of Verbs with Accusative and Dative
German - Irregular Verbs: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s-sch se-st t u v w x y z
German - Irregular Verbs: List: a - b
German - Irregular Verbs: List: c - f
German - Irregular Verbs: List: k - m
German - Irregular Verbs: List: n - r
German - Irregular Verbs: List: s - sch
German - Irregular Verbs: List: se - st
German - Irregular Verbs: List: t - v
German - Irregular Verbs: List: w - z
German - Irregular Verbs / Exercises
German - Verb Valency - A1 - Nominative, Accusative, Dative, Genitive
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German - Possessivpronomen (Aufgaben)
German - Pronomen 1 (Aufgaben)
German - Pronomen 2 (Aufgaben)
German - Irregelular Verbs / Exercises
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German - B2 - bitten, bieten, beten, betten
German - B2 - (sich) freuen auf / über
German - B2 - (sich) interessieren
German - B2 - wenn / konditional
German - B2 - worauf / darauf (1)
German - B2 - worauf / darauf (2)
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German - DSH Active - Passive I
German - DSH Active - Passive II
German - DSH Modal Verbs: können, müssen (can, must)
German - DSH Modal Verbs: können (can)
German - DSH Modal Verbs: müssen (must)
German - DSH Prepositions - Conjunction
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TestDaF - Listening - Hören - Exercise 1
TestDaF - Listening - Hören - Exercise 2
TestDaF - Listening - Hören - Exercise 3
TestDaF - Reading - Lesen - Exercise 1
TestDaF - Reading - Lesen - Exercise 2
TestDaF - Reading - Lesen - Exercise 3
TestDaF - Writing - Schreiben - Exercise
TestDaF - Oral - Mündlich - Exercise 1
TestDaF - Oral - Mündlich - Exercise 2
TestDaF - Oral - Mündlich - Exercise 3
TestDaF - Oral - Mündlich - Exercise 4
TestDaF - Oral - Mündlich - Exercise 5
TestDaF - Oral - Mündlich - Exercise 6
TestDaF - Oral - Mündlich - Exercise 7
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Englisch - Conditional Sentences - if ...
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French - Adjective - Graduation
French - Adjective - Graduation Conjunctions
French - Adjective - Special Form
French - Adjective with Preposition
French - Adverb - Frequent Adverbs
French - Article - Definite Article - le, la, l', les - the
French - Article - Indefinite Article - un, une - a, an
French - Article + Preposition - du, des, au, aux
French - Conditional Phrases - if / si
French - Conditionnel Passé - j'irais fait
French - Conditionnel Présent - j'irais
French - Conjunctions - Graduation Conjunctions
French - Discours Indirect / Reported Speech - il dit que ...
French - Future in the Past / Futur Antérieur / Futur II - il aura mangé
French - Le Futur Antérieur - pdf
French - Futur Composé / Futur Proche - je vais aller
French - Le Futur Composé - pdf
French - Future Present / Avenir / Future I - j'irai
French - Le Futur Simple - pdf
French - Imparfait / Past Tense
French - Impératif / Imperative - va!
French - il y a - c'est - ... - pdf
French - Negation - ne ... pas, ne ... rien, ne ... aucun, ne ... jamais
French - Noun with Preposition
French - Participe Passé / Past Participle
French - Participe Présent / Present Participle
French - Passé Composé - j'ai fait
French - Passé Composé and Imparfait
French - Le Passé Composé - pdf
French - Le Passé Composé / L'Imparfait - pdf
French - Passé Simple - il parla
French - Passive Voice / Voix Passive - il est mangé
French - Plus-que-parfait - j'avais fait
French - La Phrase Conditionnelle - si ... - pdf
French - Le Pronom Possessif - pdf
French - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - ce, cet, cette, ces
French - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - celui
French - Pronouns - il, ce, ça
French - Pronoun - Object Pronoun - me, te, le, lui, ...
French - Pronoun - Personal Pronouns - stressed
French - Pronoun - Personal Pronouns - unstressed
French - Pronoun - Possessive Article
French - Pronoun - Possessive Pronoun
French - Reported Speech / Discours Indirect - il dit que ...
French - Subjonctif Passé / Past Subjunctive - qu'il soit allé
French - Subjonctif Présent / Present Subjunctive - que je fasse
French - Presentation - La Guerre d'Algérie
French - Verb with Preposition
French - Phrases with si - pdf
French - Verb: acheter - to buy
French - Verb: avoir - to have
French - Verb: boire - to drink
French - Verb: conduire - to drive
French - Verb: connaître - to know
French - Verb: courir - to run
French - Verb: craindre - to fear
French - Verb: croire - to believe
French - Verb: devoir - must / to have
French - Verb: dormire - to sleep
French - Verb: écrire - to write
French - Verb: faire - to make
French - Verb: lever - to lift / se lever - to get up
French - Verb: mettre - to put
French - Verb: offrir - to offer
French - Verb: plaire - to please
French - Verb: pleuvoir - to rain
French - Verb: prendre - to take
French - Verb: recevoir - to receive, to get
French - Verb: rire - to laugh
French - Verb: savoir - to know
French - Verb: suivre - to follow
French - Verb: tenir - to hold
French - Verb: vouloir - to want to
French - Verb: venir - to come
French - Verb: vivre - to live
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Latin - AcI - Accusativus cum Infinitivus - Accusative with Infinitive
Latin - Adjective - Consonantic Declination / vetus
Latin - Adjective - i Declination / 2 endings - felix
Latin - Adjective - i Declination / 2 endings - fortis
Latin - Adjective - i Declination / 2 endings - ingens
Latin - Adjective - i Declination / 3 endings - acer
Latin - Adjective - o and a Declination / -er - asper
Latin - Adjective - o and a Declination / -er - pulcher
Latin - Adjective - o and a Declination / -us - bonus
Latin - Adjective - Grading - Special Forms
Latin - Adverbial Sentence Conjunction
Latin - a Declination / -a - amica
Latin - Consonatic Declination / -is - civis
Latin - Consonatic Declination / -or - victor
Latin - Consonatic Declination / -us - virtus
Latin - Consonatic Declination / -us, -eris - foedus
Latin - Consonatic Declination / -x - lex
Latin - e Declination / -es - dies
Latin - e Declination / -es - res
Latin - i Declination / -e - mare
Latin - i Declination / -s - turris
Latin - i Declination / -s - vis
Latin - Mixed Declination / -s - urbs
Latin - Mixed Declination / -x - nox
Latin - o Declination / -us - amicus
Latin - o Declination / -er - ager
Latin - o Declination / -um - templum
Latin - u Declination / -u - cornu
Latin - u Declination / -us - exercitus
Latin - u Declination / -us - domus
Latin - u Declination / -us - manus
Latin - Participle Constructions - Latin, German, English
Latin - Participium Praesens Activum / Participle Present Active / PPA
Latin - Prepositions with Case
Latin - Pronoun - Correlative Pronoun - quantus, tantus, qualis, talis, quot, tot
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - hic, haec, hoc
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - idem, eadem, idem
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - ille, illa, illud
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - ipse, ipsa, ipsum
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - is, ea, id
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - iste, ista, istud
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - aliqui, aliqua, aliquod
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - aliquis, aliquis, aliquid
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - nemo
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - nihil
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - nullus, nulla, nullum
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - qui, quae, quod
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - quicumque, quaecumque, quodcumque
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - quidam, quaedam, quoddam
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - quilibet, quaelibet, quodlibet
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - quipiam, quaepiam, quodpiam
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - quispiam, quispiam, quidpiam
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - quisque, quisque, quidque
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - quisque, quisque, quidque - Adjective
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - quivis, quaevis, quodvis
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - ullus, ulla, ullum
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - unus quisque, unus quisque, unus quidque
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - unus quisque, unus quisque, unus quidque - Adjective
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - utercumque, utracumque, utrumcumque
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - uterlibet, utralibet, utrumlibet
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - uterque, utraque, utrumque
Latin - Pronoun - Demonstrative Pronoun - utervis, utravis, utrumvis
Latin - Pronoun - Interrogative Pronoun - qui, quae, quod
Latin - Pronoun - Interrogative Pronoun - quid
Latin - Pronoun - Interrogative Pronoun - quis
Latin - Pronoun - Interrogative Pronoun - uter, utra, utrum
Latin - Pronoun - Personal Pronoun
Latin - Pronoun - Personal Pronoun - ego, tu, nos, vos
Latin - Pronoun - Possessive Pronoun
Latin - Pronoun - Possessive Pronoun - meus, mea, meum
Latin - Pronoun - Possessive Pronoun - tuus, tua, tuum
Latin - Pronoun - Possessive Pronoun - suus, sua, suum
Latin - Pronoun - Possessive Pronoun - noster, nostra, nostrum
Latin - Pronoun - Possessive Pronoun - vester, vestra, vestrum
Latin - Pronoun - Relative Pronoun - qui, quae, quod
Latin - Verb - Present Stem - a - e - i - Consonantic Conjugation
Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Present Active
Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Conjunctive Present Active
Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Imperfect Active
Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Conjunctive Imperfect Active
Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Future Active
Latin - Verb - Perfect Stem - a - e - i - Consonantic Conjugation
Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Perfect Active
Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Conjunctive Perfect Active
Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Plusquamperfect Active
Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Conjunctive Plusquamperfect Active
Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Future II Active
Latin - Verb - Passive Present Stem - a - e - i - Consonantic Conjugation
Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Present Passive
Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Conjunctive Present Passive
Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Imperfect Passive
Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Conjunctive Imperfect Passive
Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Future Passive
Latin - Verb - Passive Perfect Stem - a - e - i - Consonantic Conjugation
Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Perfect Passive
Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Conjunctive Perfect Passive
Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Plusquamperfect Passive
Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Conjunctive Plusquamperfect Passive
Latin - Verb - Present Stem - Indicative Future II Passive
Latin - Verb - Types of Perfect Formation
Latin - Verb - Verbs with different Perfect Stems
Latin - Verb - Consonantic Conjugation -ĕre - mittere - to send
Latin - Case - where? / where to?
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Portuguese - Grammar - Overview
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Italian - Adjective; Comparation; Positive, Comparative, Superlative
Italian - Article - definite + Preposition
Italian - Article - indefinite
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Aramaic / Assyrian - Alphabet / Writing
Aramaic / Assyrian - Negation - not to make - Present - ܐܢܐ ܠ ܘܕܢ - ana le oden - I don't make
Aramaic / Assyrian - Pronouns - Demonstrative Pronouns - ܐܘܐ, ܐܥܐ, ܐܢ - aua, aya, aneh - this
Aramaic / Assyrian - Pronouns - Personal Pronouns - ܐܢܐ - ana - I
Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Pronomen - Possessivpronomen - ܙܥ - di - mein
Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - bauen - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܒܢܢ - ana banen - ich baue
Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - essen - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܐܚܠܢ - ana achlen - ich esse
Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - geben - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܥܘܢ - ana yauen - ich gebe
Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - haben - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܐܬܠܥ - ana etli - ich habe
Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - kaufen - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܙܘܢ - ana zonen - ich kaufe
Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - kommen - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܐܬܢ - ana aten - ich komme
Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - können - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܡܨܢ - ana masen - ich kann
Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - lieben - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܒܥܢ - ana bayen - ich liebe
Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - machen - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܘܕܢ - ana oden - ich mache
Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - müssen - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܓܪܟ - ana garek - ich muss
Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - nehmen - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܫܩܠܢ - ana schaklen - ich nehme
Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - sehen - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܚܙܢ - ana chazen - ich sehe
Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - sein - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܐܥܘܢ - ana iuen - ich bin
Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - trinken - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܫܬܢ- ana schaten - ich trinke
Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - wollen - Präsens - ܐܢܐ ܒܥܢ - ana bayen - ich will
Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - essen - Vergangenheit - ܐܢܐ ܚܠܘܐܠܥ - ana cheluali - ich aß
Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - gehen - Vergangenheit - ܐܢܐ ܙܠܥ - ana zli - ich ging
Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Verb - machen - Vergangenheit - ܐܢܐ ܘܕܠܥ - ana uedli - ich machte
Aramäisch / Assyrisch - Zahlen - 1 - 10 - ܚܐ, ܬܪ, ܛܠܐ - cha, tre, tla - eins, zwei, drei
Deutsch-Aramäisches Wörterbuch:
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Kurdish - Adjective - Ew kurdim.
Kurdish - Article - Indefinite Article - -ek, -yek
Kurdish - Article - Indefinite Article + Noun, Adjective
Kurdish - Article - yek ji ... -a me (ku) - one of those ... who
Kurdish - Formation of the Tenses
Kurdish - Future - çûn / çûyin Kurdish - Imperative
Kurdish - Imperative - çûn / çûyin
Kurdish - Negation of Adjective
Kurdish - Negation of Modal Verbs
Kurdish - Preposition - li hindir
Kurdish - Present Tense Conjunctive - çûn / çûyin
Kurdish - Present Tense Indicative - çûn / çûyin
Kurdish - Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns
Kurdish - Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns - how much - Çend
Kurdish - Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns - how?
Kurdish - Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns - where - ku?
Kurdish - Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns - which - kîjan?
Kurdish - Pronnouns - Interrogative Pronouns - kîjan - which
Kurdish - Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns - who - ki?
Kurdish - Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns - who - kî / kê?
Kurdish - Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns - what - Çi?
Kurdish - Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns - why?
Kurdish - Pronouns - Relative Pronouns
Kurdish - Question Words - kîjan - which
Kurdish - Useful Sentences - Relations
Kurdish - Verb - Infinitive Ending
Kurdish - Verb - Present Ending
Kurdish - Verb - Transitive and Intransitive Verb
Kurdish - Verb - Transitive and Intransitive Verbs - List
Kurdish - Verb - Varieties of the Infinitive
Kurdish - Verb - anîn - to bring
Kurdish - Verb - cûn - to come
Kurdish - Verb - dîtin - to see
Kurdish - Verb - hatim - to come
Kurdish - Verb - hebûn - to have
Kurdish - Verb - hêvîdarin - to hope
Kurdish - Verb - heye - there is / are
Kurdish - Verb - kirin - to make
Kurdish - Verb - vexwarin - to drink
Kurdish - Verb - şustin / şiştin / şuştin - to wash
Kurdish - Verb - xwarin - to eat
Kurdish - Verb - xwastin - to want
Kurdish - Verb - xwîrin - to read
Kurdish - Verb - Past - tem, hatim - to come
Kurdish - Verb - Present - Past - hebûn - to have
Kurdish - Wishes and Congratulations
More information on
Schengen Visa Application - Overview
Schengen States - EFTA and others
Schengen Visa - Application Guidelines
List of Countries whose citizens need a visa to enter the Schengen Area
List of Countries whose citizens don't need a visa to enter the Schengen Area
List of Countries whose citizens need an Airport Transit Visa
Schengen Visa Travel Insurance
LONGUA.ORG:, in Italien, in Deutschland, in China, B1-Test (Schweiz), B2-Test (Schweiz), Allemand à, Soggiorni in, Apprendre Allemand, 木木杨的博客 - China