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German in Munich - Goethe, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, DSH, TestDaF, ZMP, ZOP, ÖSD, KID, SKN, CELI, DELF, DALF, telc, DELE inicial, intermedio, superior, FCE, CAE, ESOL, BEC, CPE, HSK, 漢語水平考試, 汉语水平考试


German in Munich - B1

LONGUA.ORG prepares you for B1 - test.

more information: info@longua.org

B1 - Exam / Test: Grammar



German B1 - Test - Topics:

German B1 - Adjective Endings

German B1 - Table of Articles

German B1 - Table of Articles (indefinite article)

German B1 - Articles - Nominative / Accusative

German B1 - Cases

German B1 - Conditional Sentences - wenn ...

German B1 - Conjunctions - wenn, als, weil, deshalb, damit, trotzdem, obwohl

German B1 - Dative

German B1 - Future I

German B1 - Future II

German B1 - Irregular Verbs

German B1 - one of the ... / einer der ...

German B1 - Noun - Endings (male / female / neuter)

German B1 - Noun / Plural / Endings

German B1 - Numbers

German B1 - Personal Pronouns

German B1 - Possessive Article

German B1 - Possessive Article: mein - my

German B1 - Possessive Article: dein - your

German B1 - Possessive Article: sein - his

German B1 - Possessive Article: unser - our

German B1 - Possessive Article: euer - your

German B1 - Possessive Article: ihr - your

German B1 - Possessive Article: Ihr - your (formal)

German B1 - Preposition + Article: am, im, bei, zum, vom, ins, ans, zur

German B1 - Prepositions / Accusative

German B1 - Prepositions / Dative

German B1 - Prepositions / Genitive

German B1 - Prepositions - am - im - um

German B1 - Prepositions - local (German)

German B1 - Prepositions - temporal (German)

German B1 - Pronouns (German)

German B1 - Reflexive Verbs

German B1 - Relative Pronouns

German B1 - Tenses

German B1 - Verbs

German B1 - Verbs - haben (to have) / sein (to be)

German B1 - Verbs - Modal verbs: dürfen (have the permission), können (can), möchten (would like to), mögen (like), müssen (must / have to), sollen (should), wollen (want to)

German B1 - Verbs + Preposition

German B1 - Verbs + Preposition (Dative)

German B1 - Verbs + Preposition (Accusative)

German B1 - Verbs - sitzen / setzen (sit / put)

German B1 - Verbs - werden (become / be)

German B1 - Seperable Verbs

German B1 - Irregular Verbs

German B1 - Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s-sch se-st t u v w x y z

German B1 - Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: a - b

German B1 - Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: c - f

German B1 - Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: k - m

German B1 - Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: n - r

German B1 - Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: s - sch

German B1 - Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: se - st

German B1 - Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: t - v

German B1 - Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: w - z

German B1 - Irregular Verbs / Exercises




more information: info@longua.org


see also:


B2 Tipps






Exercises: wenn / als




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LONGUA.ORG: languages.li, longua.org in Italien, longua.org in Deutschland, longua.org in China, B1-Test (Schweiz), B2-Test (Schweiz), Allemand à Munich.ch, Soggiorni in Germania.it, Apprendre Allemand, 木木杨的博客 - China