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Nominalisation of the Participle - German Grammar - Deutsche Grammatik


Nominalisation of the Participle

Present Participle / Partizip I
essen > essend - to eat > eating
Der essende Hund = der Hund isst - The eating dog = the dog that is eating

der Essende - the eating (one)
etwas Essendes - something eating




Der essende Hund heißt Bello. – Der Hund, der isst, heißt Bello.

The eating dog is called Bello. - The dog, that is eating, is called Bello.

Der ein Schnitzel essende Hund heißt Bello. – Der Hund, der ein Schnitzel isst, heißt Bello.

The dog eating a schnitzel is called Bello. - The dog, that is eating a schnitzel, is called Bello.


Past Participle / Partizip II
essen > gegessen - to eat > eaten
Der gegessene Hund = der Hund wird / wurde / ist gegessen - The eaten dog = the dog that is / was / has been eaten

der Gegessene - the eaten (thing)
etwas Gegessenes - something eaten




Der gegessene Hund hieß Bello. – Der Hund, der gegessen wurde, hieß Bello.

The eaten dog was called Bello. - The dog, that was eaten, was called Bello.

Der leckere gegessene Hund hieß Bello. – Der Hund, der lecker war und gegessen wurde, hieß Bello.

The well-tastig eaten dog was called Bello. - The dog, that was well-tasting and eaten, was called Bello.

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