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Adjectives - Italian Grammar - Grammatica Italiana



Adjectives are used in Italian to define nouns. Gender and number of the adjective have to match with the one of the noun.
Most adjectives end in -o as for example caro, -a (f. Sg.), -i (m, Pl.) and -e (f, Pl.), others -e like felice and -i (Pl.).
Adjectives are placed (apart from a few exeptions) after the referring noun.

Adjectives with 4 endings




Male; plural

Female; plural

il negozio piccolo

la casa piccola

i negozi piccoli

le case piccole

Adjectives with 2 endings



la donna felice
l’uomo felice

le donne felici
gli uomini felici


“essere” + Adjective

When used with the verb “essere” - to be - adjectives always change their endings. The adjective refers to the noun it accompanies.



Il ragazzo è simpatico.

The boy is nice.

La casa è bella.

The house is beautiful.

Le case sono belle e nuove.

The houses are beautiful and new.

If there are two nouns the adjective has the plural ending.



Il ragazzo e la ragazza sono simpatici.

The boy and the girl are nice..

If there is a male and a female nouns, the adjective has the male plural ending.



L’amico e l’amica sono simpatici.

The (male) friend and the (female) friend are nice.

Gli amici e le amiche sono simpatici.

The (male) friends and the (female) friends are nice.



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